• Books
  • Young Adult

So-hee’s Room

  • Author Lee Geum-yi
    Illustrator -
  • ISBN 9791191826029
    Price 13,500Won
  • Pages 316
    Dimensions 135*200mm
  • Publication date. 2021.09.10.
  • Introduction

    <So-hees Room> is the second installment in the best-selling contemporary classic <You Too Are a Twilight Lily> trilogy.


    <So-hees Room> is a direct sequel to <You Too Are a Twilight Lily>. The story zooms in on So-hee. After her grandmother passes, So-hee has nowhere to go. Eventually, So-hees uncle and his family take her in, but they cannot afford to provide So-hee with her own room in their small apartment in Seoul. Life in Seoul is a constant challenge for So-hee.

    When her birth mother and her new husband offer to take her in, So-hee is elated. In the luxurious two-story house, So-hee finally gets what she has always dreamed of: a room of her own.

    Having changed her last name to match her stepfathers, So-hee now has designer clothes, a carefree best friend, and a highly presentable boyfriend. But So-hees life behind the closed door is different from what it seems: her own mother treats her with distance and indifference, and her much-younger stepbrother is possessive of their mother.

    So-hee feels lost in the new environment and finds a way to rebel against her parents in the way she never expected herself to be capable of.

    <So-hees Room> takes a closer look into the heart of a girl who has never been granted the luxury of speaking up what is truly in her mind.

  • Overview

    너도 하늘말나리야/이것 또한 꿈은 아닐까/닮은 그림 찾기/내비게이션/행운에 대한 예의/망각의 강/먼 여행/리나의 방/자리/이름/필통은 필통이다/두 개의 시간/빚을 갚는 방법/재서/채경/거짓말/니스/어쨋거나 열다섯 살/익명의 자유/반짝이는 비밀/로그아웃/플래시백/새아빠/산소 통장/니트 가디건/와플을 먹는 시간/부재중 전화/대화/페이드아웃/방과 후 피시방/실수/한밤중/다음 날/오버랩/말의 파편/어둠 속의 댄서/후유증/우아함의 거리/클리셰/작전/엄마 본가/물품 보관함/자유 이용권/마법의 공원/공개/롤러코스터/족쇄/전리품/거리/정체/약정 시간/이유/귀로/생강차/페르소나/웰컴★리나/소희의 방/시간의 너머/그날 밤/열여섯 살
    작가의 말 

  • Award details

  • Derivative Work